
Diabetes, Your Child & You

Discovering that your young child has type 1 or type 2 diabetes can give rise to many emotions. You may feel angry, sad, upset, guilty, helpless or anxious, and you […]

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Children & Type 1 Diabetes

When a child is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, the role of a caregiver becomes more important than ever. Family life and daily routines may seem more complicated in the […]

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Children & Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a disease in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or the body does not properly use the insulin it makes. As a result, sugar […]

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Children & Special Occasions

Having diabetes shouldn’t prevent a child from having fun during special occasions. A little planning and a question or two allows kids with diabetes to participate in just about everything. […]

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Teens & Diabetes

When children are diagnosed with diabetes, parents need to be very involved in learning about the condition, participating in the routines at an appropriate level and sharing management decisions. As […]

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