
Kids with Diabetes at School

School days are an important part of a child’s life. During this time, parents and/or guardians expect children to experience these school days in a safe and supportive environment. However, for many children living with diabetes, there may not be a lot of diabetes awareness and understanding in the school. To maintain long-term good health, […]

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Depression and Diabetes

Depression is more common in people with diabetes compared with the general population. Symptoms of depression affect 30% of people with diabetes, while 10% of them experience major depression. A depressive mood leads to poorer physical and mental functioning, making it more difficult to manage diabetes leading to: Poorer blood glucose management; Diabetes-related health problems; […]

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Celiac Disease and Diabetes

Celiac disease is a digestive disorder that appears to be more common in people with type 1 diabetes than in the general population. Celiac disease is found in 4 to 9% of children with type 1 diabetes but, in 60 to 70% of these children, the disease is asymptomatic (‘silent’ celiac disease). Children with type […]

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Anxiety and Diabetes

It’s normal to feel anxious or worried at times. Everyone does. In fact, a moderate amount of anxiety can be good. It helps you respond appropriately to real danger, and it can help motivate you to excel at work and at home. But if you often feel anxious without reason and your worries disrupt your […]

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Diabetes & Your Emotions

When you are first diagnosed with diabetes, you will likely feel a wide range of emotions, such as shock, anger, sadness and fear. It is normal to feel this way and to go through several emotional stages as you come to grips with having a chronic disease. Common feelings about diabetes Shock/Denial You may feel […]

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Eating Disorders and Diabetes

Adolescent females and young women with type 1 diabetes have about twice the risk of developing eating disorders as their peers without diabetes. This may be because of the weight changes that can occur with insulin therapy and good metabolic control and the extra attention people with diabetes must pay to what they eat. Researchers […]

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