A walking plan may be a good place to start if you would like to start getting regular physical activity.
Plan your walks
Follow the plan below to gradually increase your frequency, intensity and time of walking.
Table adapted from Warburton, et al. 2006.
Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
Pick the number matching the word or phrase that best reflects your total amount of physical stress, effort and fatigue while doing an exercise. This number identifies your exercise intensity. Record this number on your exercise log after each session.
Ways to get in more walking
* Walk to do your errands. If it is too far, park two to three blocks away and walk from there.
* Push-mow your own lawn.
* Walk to get the mail/newspaper.
* Take a dog for a walk.
* Walk around the mall or recreation facility.
* Wear a pedometer, and gradually increase the steps you take each day.
If walking is difficult for you, your diabetes care provider can help you come up with some different physical activity options to benefit your diabetes.