
Apple-Raisin Crumble

This tasty, healthy dessert is delicious served warm or cold. Tips If smaller amount is desired, divide recipe in half and bake in a loaf pan. Makes 10 servings Ingredients […]

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Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie

This shepherd’s pie rivals the beef version- creamy, thick and rich tasting. Beans provide the meat-like texture. Tips This shepherd’s pie rivals the beef version- creamy, thick and rich tasting. […]

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Physical Activity & Diabetes

Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do to manage and live well with your diabetes. Regular exercise also has special advantages if you have […]

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Benefits of Physical Activity

Almost everyone, whether or not they have diabetes, benefits from regular exercise. Well-known health benefits include weight loss, stronger bones, improved blood pressure control, lower rates of heart disease and […]

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Planning for Regular Physical Activity

Regular physical activity can slow and prevent the progression of diabetes. The Canadian Diabetes Association recommends getting 150 minutes of aerobic activity a week. Becoming physically active can be challenging, […]

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