
Blueberry Bannock

Blueberry Bannock

Enjoy this whole-wheat, baked version of a traditional Aboriginal recipe. Canola oil helps produce a light and tender crumb. Makes 8 servings Cooking time: Bake for 15-20 minutes Ingredients 1 […]

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Diabetes Superfoods

Ever see the top 10 lists for foods everyone should eat to superpower your diet? Ever wonder which will mesh with your diabetes meal plan? Wonder no more. Your list […]

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Types of Carbohydrates

Did you know there are three main types of carbohydrate in food? There are Starches (also known as complex carbohydrates) Sugars Fiber You’ll also hear terms like naturally occurring sugar, […]

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What can I drink?

Food often takes center stage when it comes to diabetes. But don’t forget that the beverages you drink can also have an effect on your weight and blood glucose! We […]

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Carbohydrate Counting

Carbohydrate counting, or “carb counting,” is a meal planning technique for managing your blood glucose levels. Carbohydrate counting helps you to keep track of how much carbohydrate you are eating. […]

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Heart Disease & Stroke

People with diabetes are at very high risk of heart disease and stroke, also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cerebrovascular disease. People with diabetes may develop heart disease 10 […]

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